Welcome to AGRES BlogSpot

As undergraduates of The Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, we are pleased to share our knowledge and experience with you and to make you our partners in this journey towards sustainable agriculture through innovation!
Agriculture, today, plays a critical role in safeguarding the wellbeing of a country’s economy and the global agriculture sector undergoes massive transformations.  To meet its new demands and to provide innovative solutions for sustainable agriculture, development based on scientific research is crucial for a country.

In the quest for searching in-depth knowledge and wisdom through scientific research, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka (WUSL) plays a crucial role as one of the latest and modern learning and research institutions in Sri Lanka.  The Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management was established in 1999 at Makandura Premises and is the oldest out of four Faculties of WUSL.

The Agricultural Research Symposium (AGRES) of the Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management was first held on 25th June 2001. Since then, it is organized annually and has become an esteemed event in the University calendar.

Upon completion of the research projects carried out by final year undergraduates of the B.Sc. (Agriculture) degree program under four specialization areas namely; Horticulture and Landscape Gardening, Agribusiness Management, Plantation Management and Biotechnology, the outcome of individual researches are published as full papers in the symposium proceedings. Meantime, students’ presentations are assessed by a panel of experts at the symposium.
AGRES helps promote agricultural research and provides a forum for undergraduates to present their findings, discuss and debate, disseminate information. Further, it stimulates and strengthen the collaborations with other Government, non-governmental and private sector organizations.   



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